Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Interview with Edward Minoff

Read up here on GCA teacher Edward Minoff's interview by Brad MacDonald - it provides some personal insight into Minoff's hijinks, as well as his approach to crafting paintings and what it takes to be an artist.

Edward Minoff
Here's a little excerpt:

Do you still practice? If so, what do your practice sessions look like?
Practice never ends. In my case, I feel like there is some linear trajectory to my artistic career, so in some way each painting is practice for the next painting. I think this is particularly true of my ocean paintings. I spend so much time studying wave forms and the nature of water and air and the interaction between the two. Each painting reflects an attempt to better understand some aspect or property of the ocean environment. They all start with an idea or an emotion, but once the painting is underway it becomes a puzzle to solve. I guess my solving that puzzle, or acceptance of a lack of resolution is practice for the next painting where I will try to overcome some new obstacle or carry on trying to resolve an ongoing challenge.

Click here to continue reading!

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